Shredder Herbicide (Triclopyr & Picloram)


Shredder Herbicide is for the control of unwanted timber by stem injection or cut stump / brushcutter application and control of Blackberry, Gorse & Harrisia Cactus by foliar spray as specified in the directions For Use.

Active Ingredients:  Picloram @ 100g/L & Triclopyr @ 200g/L

Similar Or Comparable To Tordon Double Strength Herbicide DSH (DOW) Surefire Treeson Herbicide (PCT) & Commander Dual Herbicide (Imtrade)

Click For Technical Info & Tips For Use
5 out of 5 (1 customers reviews)

5 - 9$465.00 $460.00 eachAvailable
10 or more$455.00 eachAvailable

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Shredder Herbicide (Triclopyr & Picloram) SHREDDER Axichem


Shredder Herbicide

Active Ingredients:  Picloram @ 100g/L & Triclopyr @ 200g/L

Similar Or Comparable To Tordon Double Strength Herbicide DSH (DOW) Surefire Treeson Herbicide (PCT) & Commander Dual Herbicide (Imtrade)

Shredder Herbicide is for the control of unwanted timber by stem injection or cut-stump/brushcutter application and control of Blackberry, Gorse & Harrisia Cactus by foliar spray.

Where can Shredder Herbicide be used:

  • Agricultural Non-crop Areas
  • Rights Of Way
  • Commercial/Industrial Land
  • Forest
  • Pasture

What are the target weeds of Shredder Herbicide:

  • Acacia
  • Angophora
  • Casuarina
  • Camphor laurel
  • Corymbia
  • Eucalyptus
  • Melaleuca
  • Blackberry
  • Gorse
  • Harisia cactus

Stem Injection Application:  Make horizontal cuts with a narrow-bladed axe (5–7 cm wide) through the bark of the woody weed into the sap stream at waist height. Space these at 10–13 cm centres. Leave the axe in the cut and immediately (within three seconds) apply the herbicide down the axe blade, to ensure the full dose enters the sap stream. This is necessary because the plant can seal the cut quickly, thus barring the chemical penetrating into the sap stream. Do not treat trees with poor sap flow, which occurs when plants are stressed. Where low branches are encountered place a cut immediately below the branch.

Cut Stump Application:  Cut stump application is the preferred method for saplings that are too small to be stem injected. Cut stems as close to the ground as practical, no higher than 10–15 cm from ground level. Thoroughly apply the herbicide mixture or gel immediately after the cut is made. This is necessary because the plant can seal the cut quickly, thus barring the chemical from penetrating into the sap stream.

Foliar Spray Application:  This method normally refers to high volume application using a handgun to treat the foliage of the plant. It is recommended to use a No. 5–8 tip on your gun and calibrate your pump pressure to 700–1500 kPa. Ensure you treat the entire leaf area of the plant to the point of run-off, with thorough coverage of the crown, runners and tips. Knapsack and 12-volt sprayer packs are only recommended for the control of herbaceous weeds such as cobblers peg, docks and wandering jew.

Shredder Herbicide Pack Sizes: 20-Litre

Registrant: Axichem Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 69444)

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  1. mr.mick.field

    mr.mick.field (verified owner)

    Good reliable company to deal with and prompt supply straight to my door.

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredients Triclopyr & Picloram
  • Targeted weed control with minimal off-target risk, when applied via specialised application techniques
  • Use provides excellent control of single and multi stemmed saplings where foliar spraying would be difficult or pose a risk to the environment.
  • Via cut stump treatment, prevents regrowth of trees following mechanical control.
  • May also be used as a high volume foliar spray for some species where the use of ester formulations is restricted.
  • Applied either by Stem Injection, Cut Stump or Foliar Spray.

Directions Of Use

Application Rates:

  • Stem Injection (1 part Shredder per 4 parts Water)
  • Cut Stump/Brush Cutter Applications (500mL per 10L Water). Recommended for saplings that are too small to be stem injected.
  • High Volume Spraying (500ml – 2.5L per 100L Water) – Refer to directions of use for specific rates.

Rates are a general guide only. Before opening, carefully read Shredder Herbicide Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Agricultural Non-crop Areas, Rights Of Way, Commercial/industrial Land, Forest & Pasture Acacia Genus, Angophora, Blackberry, Camphor Laurel, Casuarina Or Sheoak, Corymbia, Eucalyptus - See Label For Exceptions, Furze Or Gorse, Harrisia Cactus, Lophostemon Spp., Melaleuca

Tips For Use

Stem Injection:

Rate: Mix one part Shredder with four parts water.

Stem Injection at or near ground level is recommended:

  • Where soil types and substrata structure prevent vigorous root growth
  • In ‘hard country’ (general poor growing conditions)
  • Western Poplar box areas
  • Areas where rainfall is less than 500mm per year
  • Difficult to control species of wattles & Eucalypts (e.g. Stringy bark and sap bleeding types)

Shredder Herbicide: How many cuts per stem?

Basal Diameter    Close Space treatment
10cm 3 Cuts
20cm 5 Cuts
30cm 7 Cuts
40cm 10 Cuts
50cm 12 Cuts
60cm 14 Cuts

Refer to Directions of Use prior to use and for specific use rates.


  • Do not treat trees with poor sap flow.
  • Do not apply to plants which may be stressed (not actively growing) due to prolonged periods of extreme Cold, moisture stress (water-logged or drought affected) or previous herbicide treatment, as reduced levels of control may result.
  • Do not apply close to or on areas containing roots of desirable vegetation, where treated soil may be washed to areas growing, (or to be planted with), desirable plants.
  • Do not apply on sites where surface water from heavy rain can be expected to run off to areas containing or to be planted to susceptible crops or plants.
  • Do not move soil, which has been sprayed, to areas where desirable plants are to be grown.
  • Do not burn treated areas for 9 months after application or mechanically clear treated areas for at least 12 months after application.
  • For high volume spraying, do not spray if rain is likely within 1 hour of if foliage is wet from rain or dew.


  • Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area.
  • Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight.
  • Do not store near feed stuffs, fertilisers or seed, insecticides, fungicides or other pesticides.
  • This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible.

Spill and Leak Management:

  • Do not touch or walk through spilled material.
  • Wear a face-shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear.
  • Stop leak when safe to do so.
  • Dam area and prevent entry into waterways and drains.
  • Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal.
  • Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal.
  • Absorb and collect washing and place in the same sealable container for disposal.
  • Dam the area of large spills and report them to the manufacturer

Safety Directions:

  • May irritate the eyes.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
  • Do not inhale spray mist.
  • Repeated exposure may cause allergic disorders. When opening the container, preparing the spray and using the product, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist, elbow-length PVC gloves, washable hat and face shield.
  • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water.
  • After each day’s use, wash gloves and face shield.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • For further information refer to Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP): 

  • Not applicable when applied by cut stump or by brush cutter application. 
  • Not applicable when used as directed

SDS & Technical

Shredder Herbicide Label (APVMA) Download Pdf
Shredder Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Shredder Herbicide SDS Download Pdf

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